Saturday, November 10, 2012

B86 Win for Black!

nr3 - maestrogaffney
0:1, 11/ 2/2012.

1. e4 c5 2. ¤f3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. ¤xd4 ¤f6 5. ¤c3 a6 6. ¥c4 e6 7. O-O ¥e7 Normally here I would play Nc6 or something like that.  After studying some of the ideas in this line I play this before committing my queenside minor pieces.   8. f4 O-O 9. e5 dxe5 10. fxe5 ¤fd7 11. £h5?! b5! 12. ¥d3 g6 13. £h6?
I can't agree with this move.  It allows so many tactics and misplaces the queen on a square that I will be able to attack rather easily and win tempi.  Better was Qe2 in my opinion.   13... ¤xe5 14. ¥f4?? ¤xd3! This first to eliminate the two bishop advantage first.  15. cxd3 £xd4 16. ¢h1 £g7 Up a whole piece I saw no reason not to simplify; with more queenside space and better prospects on the kingside and a ready made target in the isolani on d3 I felt like the only dangerous my opponent had was his queen. 17. £h3? e5! That queen move to h6 has made so many of these tactics possible.   18. ¥h6 ¥xh3! 19. ¥xg7 ¥xg2 20. ¢xg2 ¢xg7 21. ¤e4? f5 22. ¤c3 ¤c6 23. ¦ae1 ¥b4 24. ¦e2 ¥xc3 25. bxc3 ¦ad8 26. ¦e3 e4 27. d4 ¤a5 Heading for that beautiful sqaure c4! 28. ¦c1 ¤c4 29. ¦e2 e3 30. a4 f4 31. ¢f3 ¤d2 {Game 265 (nr3 vs. maestrogaffney) nr3 resigns [...]


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