Sunday, October 14, 2012

Man I've been busy!

Alright so it's been a while since I posted.  I have to analyze a game tonight and post it on this blog.  I have played several good games with openings I've studied and I am feeling like I have more of an idea of what to do in the opening phase of the game.  But I am noticing that it is very difficult to keep up each facet of my game equally.  Sure there is always going to be something that slips a little, but lately it's been so crazy that I almost blew a completely won king and pawn vs. king endgame!  Here is the position.
Here I almost picked up my king and thought better of it and moved my a pawn to a4.  This move would've come automatically before but now it seems to take a bit more time.  While in the end the king move would still have won it is simpler I think with the pawn move first.  I guess this why my blitz rating, which used to be higher than my standard on ICC, has now gotten about 200-300 point lower.

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