Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Never give up

Well here is one of those games where my blindness in an opening trap was made up for by my sheer determination.  I fell for a very obvious opening trap in a 15 min ICC game and then proceeded to win the game 12 moves later.  My opponent played too passively with his material advantage and I was able to take advantage of that.  Here it is.

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.c3 Nf6 4.Be2 Nxe4?? Knowing that there was a trap here I captured anyway. During casual games I will grab stuff like this to see what the trap is and remember it so I don't do it in a tournament game. 5.Qa4+ Nc6 6.Qxe4 d5 7.Qc2 e5 8.d3 Be7 9.0–0 0–0 10.Nbd2 Here I embark on a plan that involves his undefended bishop on e2 and his undefended queen on c2. The plan is to reroute my c8-bishop to g6 and use my pawns to attack his center using a series of pins and forks and discovered attacks. 10...Bg4 11.h3 Bh5 12.Re1 Bg6 13.Nh2? c4 PIN 14.Ndf3?? This move actually makes my plan highly effective. Now my pawns become superstars. 14...cxd3 FORK 15.Bxd3 e4 FORK 16.Be2?? exf3 DISCOVERED ATTACK Line


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